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Work with me

Curious but uncertain if this is the right path for you? Let's set up a complimentary 15-minute discovery call with me. 

Wellness Jumpstart


This is your personalized 1:1 consultation call, exclusively tailored for new clients. We'll delve deep into your unique situation after thoroughly reviewing your health history and symptom questionnaire. Brace yourself for an enlightening session filled with knowledge, empowerment, and inspiration. 

  • In-depth 90 minute video consultation, post thorough health history and symptom review.
  • An insight roadmap into the root causes of your symptoms. 
  • Clear, actionable steps to implement right away, encompassing diet and lifestyle guidance.
  • Exclusive access to the Fullscript Online Dispensary with 20% discount on supplements. (Supplements cost not included).

Health Restore Program


Your journey towards balance begins here, rooted in your individual symptoms and lab insights. Every protocol we curate is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece designed to tackle the core of your imbalances. 

  • Bi-weekly coaching sessions for 6 months
  • Unlimited portal messaging 
  • Specialty Functional Lab Testing  
  • High-quality supplements from trusted brands. 
  • Personalized protocol based on your bio-individualized data guiding you through lifestyle tweaks, nutrition choices, exercise recommendations, stress coping strategies, and toxin elimination guide.
  • Personalized meal plan and recipes.
  • Rhythm resetting program to reset the communication between your brain and body, and cell-to-cell signaling. 
  • Cutting-edge technology to help you combat stress.
  • Personalized Functional Therapy to alleviate physical stress.